Soil as a foundation of structure must have good characteristics and bearing capacity as a strength of a structure will be directly influenced by basic soil capacity to receive and to continue a load. Expansive clay is kind of soil having high activation in a volume change caused by a change of water level. It is important to consider the soil as a foundation of building’s structure. The soil generally has a high plasticity index and contains minerals with quite tend to expand, which then will affect on the decrease of soil stability degree, so it can destroy parts of the above buildings. In this research, used lime as stabilization material for expansive clay from Dusun Bodrorejo, Kalaten to repair physical characteristic and to improve the supporting of foundation soil. The addition of lime was done by addition procentage of 2 %, 5 %, 8 %, dan 10 % of dry weight of the soil and variation of curing time 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days. The laboratory tests were the Proctor Standard Test, Unconfined Compression Test and the soil physically characteristic test. The result of the test showed that the addition 10 % of lime decreased the soil plasticity index 36,80 % become 4,55 % to curing time of 3 days, 4,85 % to curing time 7 days, and 2,87 % to curing time 14 days. On the unconfined compression test with addition of lime, it could be seen that it tended to decresed it’s unconfined compression. It was because of friction on the soil or because angel of internal friction on the soil.
Keyword : Lime, Expansive Caly, Commpression,