Christian youth think too much about life in the future, and he will forget that he is still alive today, even though in the present he can do great things that affect his future, but because he is too busy thinking about what is still far away in front of him, he forgot that in front of him there was a process he could enjoy. It all depends on how you think. Likewise with the worries. Worries arise in all cultures and all types of people, so we need not be surprised to find that people are always worried in various ways according to each of them. Introduction of the Matthew Gospel and Jesus' Teaching Principles in Matthew 6: 19-34, to help and overcome worry. In discussing this section the author uses the principles and methods of biblical interpretation used by Hasan Sutanto and the biblical interpretations of the Gospel of Matthew by Barcay M. Newman and Philip C. Stine. In this study, researchers used a case study research method with a qualitative type so that the analysis method was also a qualitative type of data analysis, which meant that the results of this study were expected to provide a good and well-structured picture of a particular case. In this study the researcher will use a case study research method in the field of pastoral counseling. In case studies in the field of pastoral counseling explained, understood, one or two cases in the field then compiled a case of problem description, problem analysis and problem solving.
Keyword : Jesus' Teaching Principles, Worries, Future,