Many teenagers are trapped in consumptive life, including among teenage Christians. They willingly spend their money to obey all their desires and not for a need. Moreover, every teenager would want to look existing, not outdated, and will try to follow the existing trends. This behavior has characteristics and influences so that it becomes a habit practiced by adolescents. This is also because they cannot manage their finances well. So many negative impacts experienced by adolescents. So this is a financial management problem experienced by teenagers. In discussing the principles of treasure theology in Luke's Gospel, the author uses the guidelines for the interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew by Simon Kistemaker and B. J. Bolland. In this study, researchers used a case study research method with a qualitative type so that the analysis method was also a qualitative type of data analysis, which meant that the results of this study were expected to provide a good and well-structured picture of a particular case. In this study the researcher will use a case study research method in the field of pastoral counseling. In case studies in the field of pastoral counseling explained, understood, one or two cases in the field then compiled a case of problem description, problem analysis and problem solving.
Keyword : Theological Principles Of Treasure, Financial Management Problem,