The purposes of the research done in Jayakarta Hotel in Yogyakarta are to know the interest of the customer, the scale pf the customer’s interest and the most impressive factors for the customer to return to Jayakarta Hotel, Yogyakarta.
The data collecting method is based on both primary and secondary data gamed from the results of interview and questioner. Sampling is collected by gaining 75 respondents in a random sampling and by examining questioner method. Analysis instruments or method used here are the rate anylisis, Bantler and Speckart analysis, regression analysis and ANOVA analysis. The result of the rate analysis show thatusing Bentler and Speckart model, it is shown that BI or customer’s interest to come back to Jayakarta Hotel is positive and good enough: BI = 0,298392 and influenced by Ab (attitude)=13,0003, SN (Subjective Norm)= 9,6591, and PB (Past Behaviour) = 4,3. The main factors that made the customer satisfy and want to come back to Jayakarta Hotel, in sequence, are the good services, the security, the achievable cost, and the location that is very strategic. Using both regression and ANOVA analysis, it is found that there is a significant relation between independent variable, those are attitude, subjective norm and past behaviour, and dependent variable, that is customer’s interest. It is also shown that there is no insignificant difference in customer’s interest to stay back in Jayakarta Hotel based on their income rate.
Keyword : Minat Konsumen, Menginap Kembali,