Call for Multi Helix Innovation Collaboration in Changing The COVID-19 Pandemic Environment

Dr. Hadi Purnomo, S.E., M.M.,M.Si. ,
2021 | Makalah Prosiding | Manajemen


The collaboration of various actors in research and innovation is needed in dealing with the conditions of the COVID-19 epidemic. The situation in the COVID-19 pandemic is a condition of extreme change, a disaster that needs to be responded to by the government. The response is carried out within the framework of collaboration. The study of technological research, innovation and the role of science in the success of innovation in changing environmental conditions is very important. Research is carried out by research bodies, governments and international organizations. The increase in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) shows a serious effort to address the challenges of change. The research carried out includes multi helix collaboration, capability development and the role of each actor in creating an innovation ecosystem. The connection between industry and universities plays an important role in open innovation, so that partnerships between companies and universities are needed to solve problems in the form of research. Government, industry and university collaboration is an important element of an innovation strategy that contributes significantly to the situation of environmental change due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

One form of collaborative response is carried out by the Indonesian government by actively conducting innovation research in order to contribute to handling environmental change conditions. This conceptual paper aims: firstly to develop a conceptual form of collaboration as a response to changing environmental conditions, and the second objective to provide a contextual overview of the innovation research in multi helix collaboration, especially in Indonesia.

Keyword : Collaboration, Multi Helix, Innovation, Response, Environmental Changes,
1. Abstract