The GeMa CerMat program from the Indonesian Ministry of Health was started in 2014
‘tthe ain of ration ase, The secs of Gekla Cer Ma's gol atonal. Meus tested by the COPID-19 pandemic which reached its peak from June to A
SSF ibe pane due tothe high death rae of COVIDS[9 caused ant unu. I the amen of COVIDAI,Inling prexrind cue The demand or
COVD=19 prescribed drugs without prescription describes the irrational use of drugs
dnd an untagigoled incrbase in demand ‘har will lead to\a shortage of drugs bt
terion nels and increase ih ov of purchase contig the they of ‘and demand. This studs. am observational study using a cross-sectional analsis met {from many pharmactes in each region, conducted from June to Auguat 2021. The results. Shonen increase more thane ? tines domand Jor preserioed digs without
reson for COVIB.19 aug. which erased hy purchasing ead mes mare than
feos eae Gaal mchase figs mote hen 3 ties cd could he ‘controlled with goverament selling price standard. This study concludes that the
Gelta Corktat nee nol suicbeded te educating ihe publ to use’ druge reavionaly asa result, the COVID-19 pandemic, panic busin ‘ceed fp COVED" preerbed drags which increased by purchasing fead time and cost of purchase.