Increasing Quality of Health and Income Per Capita with Household Biodiesel Production from Chicken Fat and Waste Cooking Oil

apt. Didiek Hardiyanto Soegiantoro, M.Th.,M.Si. ,
2021 | Jurnal Publikasi | Farmasi


Cardiovascular disease and obesity are the ggmber ‘one causes of death. Consumption of unhealthy chicken fat and waste cooking oil in Indonesia is stil very high with the aim of reducing household spending without reducing the quality of the taste of the food. This study produces biodiesel using a modified reactor which is applied in gle home industry using feedstocks of mixture of chicken fat and waste cooking il with
various compositions, calculates the economic value of diesel products, and tested with biodiesel properties. 1 purpose of this research is to produce biodiesel from home industries that fulfil the biodiesel properties standards and calculate the economic value of the biodiesel produced so that it can increase the income Per capita of the Indonesian people. The research method is a development research of applied biodiesel prodggtion in the home industry from feedstocks mixture of chicken fat and waste cooking oil 1:3, 1:1, and 3:1 with a modified biodiesel reactor with a capacity of 5-8 liters. Biodiesel production by
esterfication-transesterification reaction. Biodiesel
from home industry is calculated for its economic value and businegmppportunities, and then tested with fuel propggjes: flash point ASTM D 93, cloud point ASTM O975, density ASTM D 1268, kinematic viscosity ASTM D445, and alkyl ester content EN 12514. This study includes a cost analysis of the proposed biodiesel production method to evaluate whether the method would be a feasible alternative for low income families to develop it as a home industry as a mean to ammend their income. The result of the analysis
‘shows that the production cost of the proposed method is lower than the current selling price of the Epvernment’s subsidized biodiesel price, making the method £6 be an attractive choice for a home industry altemative.

Keyword : Renewable/green Energy Resources, Applied €˜energy Technologies, Chicken Fat, Waste Cooking Oil, Increasing Quality Of Healt, Increasing Income Per Capita,
1. Abstract
2. Peer Review
3. Jurnal Similarity Increasing Quality